Saddest Songs Continued  

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I recently posted on what I think is the saddest song ever, but here are some close runner ups:

Calling All Angels by Jane Siberry & K.D. Lang- Holy Jesus, this is a sad song if I've ever heard one. It makes me tear up every time I hear it.

My favorite part:

but if you you think you would
trade it in
all the pain and suffering?
ah, but then you'd miss
the beauty of the light upon this earth
and the sweetness of the leaving

Inside Job by Pearl Jam- There are a few songs by PJ that are pretty "sad" but this is the song I listened to when my dad was dying and I'll tell you, for me, it doesn't get sadder. Specifically, I listened to the first half over and over. I know the words are actually quite uplifting, but the music in the beginning spoke to what my soul was feeling at the time. Every time I listen to it now, three years later, I am right back there and that's the power of music.

I thought I'd share the lyrics:

Underneath this smile lies everything
all my hopes, anger, pride and shame

make yourself a pact, not to shut doors on the past
just for today,... I am free

I will not lose my faith
It's an inside job today

I know this one thing well,...

I used to try and kill love, it was the highest sin
breathing insecurity out and in

Searching hope, I'm shown the way to run straight
pursuing the greater way for all,... human light.

How I choose to feel,... Is how I am.
How I choose to feel,... Is how I am.

I will not lose my faith
It's an inside job today

Holding on, the light of night
On my knees to rise and fix my broken soul


Let me run into the rain
To be a human light again

Let me run into the rain
To shine a human light today

Life comes from within your heart and desire
Life comes from within my heart and desire
Life comes from within your heart and desire

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