My husband and I went and did something we haven't done for a couple years, since my son was born. We saw 2 movies in one day!
I knew I wanted to see Couples Retreat the first time I saw the trailer. Vince Vaughn & Jason Bateman, come on, that's comedy gold. It was a legitimately funny movie, with laugh out loud moments throughout the whole movie. Mind you, I'm not a laugh out loud person, so that's saying alot to have a consistent level of humor throughout.
I will say though, that I don't know if I would have thought it was so funny if I were not married because a lot of the humor comes from being relatable.After I had set my sights on seeing Couples Retreat, I saw a trailer for Law Abiding Citizen and figured I had to see them both. With 300, Gamer, and now this under Gerard Butler's belt, he's fast becoming #1 B.A. actor of the moment. Thank goodness too because I didn't think much of him in The Phantom of the Opera. Action suits him much better.
As far as Jamie Foxx goes, after the whole Miley Cyrus comment, I don't care to see him in anything anymore. It's sad because I used to like him, but now I can't stand him.
That aside, this movie kicked butt. It really was good...good plot, good action. The ending could have been different for my taste, but I don't want to give anything away.I can't not mention Gamer, now that I brought it up. Well, I saw Gamer with Gerard Butler and Michael C. Hall a.k.a. ”Dexter” and I really liked it. Butler plays Kable, a death row inmate who is put into a "game" where he is controlled by a player, Simon, in order to try and gain his freedom. Hall plays Castle, the games inventor and the true puppet master.
The movie is shot very much like a shooter style video game and can get a little rough on the senses after awhile, but that is the only real con of the movie. Overall, this movie was full of pros, the first being the cast. Butler and Hall gave me something to watch while my husband enjoyed the action.
Though there was a lot of action, there was a real storyline as well. I was actually excited to see where it would lead, which can be a rarity with action films. I thought it ended well and was happy that I spent the money to see it, which is getting to be a rarity as well. I lucked out with all of these.
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on Saturday, October 17, 2009
at Saturday, October 17, 2009
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