#4 best actor: Kevin Spacey  

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Kevin Spacey. I had a very hard decision to make for this spot. It was either Spacey, who I love; Brad Pitt, who I used to love more than lately; or Russell Crowe, who I adore almost as much as he adores himself. I, obviously, went for Kevin Spacey. Here's why:

Spacey has incredible range. He can be a psycho serial killer, a suave but shady cop, or just a normal Joe. He can be pushy, demanding, frightening, and yet meek and sympathetic. He can even do funny. I mean he can do anything. The other actors mentioned also have great range, but Pitt has almost turned me off since his split with Jennifer Aniston. No, his personal life shouldn't matter, but I haven't loved his movies since the break either. Crowe's cockiness knocks him down a peg for me. So that's where I stand with that.

I came across Matt Gunn's top 10 Favorite Kevin Spacey Movies which I thought was a great topic. Here are my top 5:

  1. Se7en
  2. American Beauty
  3. L.A. Confidential
  4. The Usual Suspects
  5. The Life of David Gale

What are yours?

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Kevin Spacey is most definitely one of our generation's best actors. "American Beauty" is an amazing American film, and he plays his character brilliantly.

April 4, 2008 at 11:17 AM

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