Favorite Instrumental Accompaniments  

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When I say "instrumentals" I don't mean it in the pure sense. Rather I mean the instrument accompanying a song. I know from the get go people will have some different opinions on this, but here are my favorites:

Favorite Guitar: Pearl Jam's "Sad". This YouTube version is a little rough, but you get the gist. I could re-start that song thousands of times in a row just for that intro.

Favorite Drums: Toadies "I Burn". In the beginning, the guitar starts the song off right, but it's the drums that take it home. I'm a big fan of the 80's type build up in songs, but not a huge fan of 80's music. Thankfully, this is 90's music and I loved the 90's.

Sorry, I don't have a bass fav yet, but I'll keep looking. I'll keep you posted.

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The New Spirit Waves Album was released today by Michael McDonald!

It makes an excellent Father's Day gift!

Click the following link to preview and purchase tracks:


June 14, 2009 at 1:27 PM

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