Expectations Not Met  

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Expectations, we all have them. When we see a movie with our favorite actor, we expect to like it. When we hear our fav artist has a new album coming out, we expect to want to buy it and play it out. So what happens when our favs don't meet our expectations? It sucks. here's my examples:

The Happening by M Night Shyamalan. I love everything M. Night has ever done and then this comes out and it looked soooo good. I could not believe how wrong I was. I watched it twice thinking I must have been mistaken the 1st time. No, not only wasn't I mistaken, but I found myself asking the question "did he make it bad on purpose". It was so bad, surely there was a method to his madness. No matter how I try and justify it the whole thing was just horrible.

I did not love the second season of Flight of the Conchords which is really disappointing because I loved the first season with a passion. Honestly, the first season was some of the funniest stuff I have ever seen.

To their defense, they admitted they struggled to make a second season and thus it doesn't look good for a 3rd season. I'm disappointed because I was hoping they could redeem themselves, but I'm still a huge fan and will look out for their cd's in the future.

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