I just saw that Christian Slater will be starring in a new 1-hour series on NBC this fall. It's called, My Own Worst Enemy. From what I understand, Slater plays a man with split personalities, who are complete opposites of each other.
I'm glad to see that he'll be doing something but I'm not sure about the storyline just yet. I guess we'll see.
This brings me, of course, to my favorite Christian Slater film. It's actually harder than you might think. There's Young Guns II and Interview with the Vampire, both of which I loved, loved, loved. Then there's Very Bad Things and Broken Arrow, which I also liked. I'm going to go ahead and give the award to Untamed Heart though. While Christian Slater was in the other films, he was not the main star and not why I loved the movies. In Untamed Heart, however, Slater completely won me over.
Untamed Heart is an offbeat love story starring Slater and Marisa Tomei. I haven't watched it in years but I loved it when it came out.
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